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Navigating New Horizons: A Tale of Resilience, Growth, and Project Management


Embarking on a journey to new shores is more than just a change of scenery; it's a profound transformation that tests our resilience and adaptability, a winding path of unexpected twists and turns, challenges, and triumphs. Since 2006, I dreamt of coming to Canada, but I did not meet all the requirements to be granted an opportunity at that time. Along the way, I got distracted and seduced by other opportunities that took me to numerous experiences before seriously reconsidering to pursue my Canadian dream again. Over two years ago, I finally arrived in Canada alongside my daughter, who has been my unwavering companion through countless adventures over the past 11 years.

I am Tharim Sanchez, a Colombian-born, creative project management professional now based in Manitoba. I aim to illustrate the transformative power of perseverance, humility, and gratitude in the project management industry. My intention is not to tout my achievements, but to inspire readers—whether seasoned project managers or aspiring ones— to embrace their strengths to make profound changes to their lives and their communities.

My journey commenced at 17 while working at a country hotel front desk. A spontaneous conversation with my boss steered my career toward business and project management, inspiring me to pursue a structured path in this field.

My first formal full-time job was as an ERP functionalGoogle.jpegconsultant with a Microsoft partner in Colombia, since then, I have had junior, intermediate, and senior roles in business consultancy, project management, as 

a leader of the PMO for a technology integrator, and some other untitled roles which have allowed me to gain experience in Strategy, Organization and Methods, process improvement, technology transformations, and other related areas.

However, setbacks have been an inevitable part of my journey. Sometimes we make bad decisions and sometimes we find ourselves in situations we do not expect and that are beyond our control. Then, when tough times come, we must prove how strong we can become. We need to take a pause, stand still, and look forward. In 2015 I lost everything and after a few years, I made my way through. In 2020 and 2022, my resilience was tested again, I faced adversity navigating through the uncertainties of the pandemic, financial losses, and later as a victim of a fraud scam. Frustration, shame, fear, and stress were natural feelings during all these dark episodes in my life. Still, through them, I discovered and strengthened the benefits of the skills we develop as Project Managers to overcome obstacles.

“This is my biggest project, and I need to make it work.”

I had to embrace failure as an opportunity to grow, as my starting point for my next milestone. I had to step out of my comfortT&D-(223-x-500-px).png zone and plan every dollar I was spending, eliminate all unnecessary expenses, and limit my budget to basic needs like food, health, my daughter’s education, and a place to live. I had to be humble to accept help from my family and friends, and through each of these moments I was continuously reminding myself “This is my biggest project and I need to make it work”. I had to step back to see the big picture and be able to focus on what was valuable for me and critical to change my situation.

"Rather than letting setbacks define me, I persevere with optimism and creativity." 

In times of failure and frustration, I have refined traits that define my project management identity. Rooted in my values, fueled by resilience, and driven by growth, I embrace failure as a path to success. Rather than letting setbacks define me, I persevere with optimism and creativity. Guided by gratitude and determination, I see obstacles as opportunities for development. My essence combines optimism, adaptability, and a commitment to short-term wins and long-term goals. As a friend wisely said, “We learn more from failures than successes”, I can vouch for that. Don't fear failure; just do not let it define you.

I can tell from my experience that if you take small tasks as seriously as you would take big commitments, you will soon be surrounded by newer and bigger opportunities. Deliver on your promises, no matter how minor your role may seem in a project, it is on you to create value around it.

Project management is not just about delivering projects on time and within budget, it is about driving change, fostering innovation, and creating lasting impact—a responsibility that we all as project managers should take to heart in every project we undertake, whether it is at a personal or professional level.

My passion for learning has been the driving force behind my career evolution. In an industry as dynamic asTharim-y-Alle-2023.jpg project management, staying ahead of the curve is essential, whether through hands-on work, formal certifications, industry conferences, others’ experiences, or self-learning. My thirst for knowledge has not only enriched my own skill set but it has enabled me to contribute to meaningful organizational transformations. This knowledge has been essential in staying alive and positive during all past undesired life scenarios.

"Project management is as much about people as it is about processes. Building strong relationships and fostering a culture of trust and respect are paramount to project success."

I have lived in South, Central, and North America, and worked on numerous projects for different customers across the continent. Each region presented its own unique set of challenges and opportunities. From navigating cultural nuances to bridging language barriers, I have learned to adapt and thrive in diverse environments. My experiences working with clients and teams from different backgrounds have emphasized the importance of communication, collaboration, and cultural sensitivity. Project management is as much about people as it is about processes. Building strong relationships and fostering a culture of trust and respect are paramount to project success, regardless of where you are in the world.

Early in my career, I realized the power of seeking help rather than having all the answers, especially as an introvert. Despite the challenge, being introverted taught me invaluable listening skills and empathy. Leveraging these traits, I excel at understanding stakeholder needs and shaping project visions. Active listening enhances problem-solving, proving vital during challenges like product delays, service rescheduling, or payment issues. As project managers, we are dedicated problem solvers, committed to finding optimal solutions.

"PMI Manitoba has provided me the opportunity to be surrounded by like-minded professionals and mature colleagues from whom I have learned to harness the power of my strengths and through their workshops, seminars, and networking events."

Adjusting to a new culture and professional landscape is daunting. Recognizing the need for a support system, I joined the Project Management Institute, Manitoba chapter. Before finishing my studies at the University of Manitoba, I reached out to Raphael Vitorelli, the chapter’s current President, via LinkedIn. To my delight, Raphael accepted my invitation and graciously agreed to a call. In our lively 40-minute conversation, he not only provided invaluable insights but also inspired me to get actively involved with the PMI. I started volunteering as a mentor for Projects for Social Good, a rewarding and productive experience and my first approach to what it was like to interact with Canadian stakeholders.


PMI Manitoba has provided me the opportunity to be surrounded by like-minded professionals and mature colleagues from whom I have learned to harness the power of my strengths and through their workshops, seminars, and networking events, I have been able to immerse myself in the Canadian project management community and have started establishing meaningful connections that proved instrumental in my integration. This is how I found the company I currently work for and fell in love with it.

I am grateful for all the wonderful people I have met and who have been influential in overcoming and learning from every challenge I have encountered. Hence, this is my first advice, be grateful for all the experiences and people who make you value the simple things of life, those who make you grow, whether by supporting you or by negatively criticizing you, and those who encourage you to mature and face with tenacity whatever comes your way. I still have a lot to learn and to achieve, and I am excited knowing that I chose a nice and supportive community to do it.

My Advice for fellow Project Managers.

To seasoned professionals: please generously share your knowledge and help whenever possible. Your wisdom and guidance are invaluable in nurturing the growth of others.

To those starting your journey, best wishes along with some advice:

  • Embrace failure as a learning opportunity. Every setback is a chance to grow and improve. Stay open-minded and positive in seeking solutions, and aim for the best possible outcome in every situation
  • Build a strong support network. Surround yourself with mentors, peers, and colleagues who can offer guidance and encouragement.
  • Continuous learning. The project management landscape constantly evolves, so stay curious and open to new ideas and technologies. Learn a new skill even if it is not requested for your current project or role.
  • Be adaptable and flexible. Projects rarely go exactly as planned, so be prepared to adjust your approach as needed.
  • Prioritize self-care. Be good to yourself, balancing the demands of project management can be challenging, so make sure to take care of your physical and mental well-being.
  • Remember the bigger picture. Project management is not just about delivering tasks, it is about driving meaningful change and creating value for your organization and stakeholders.
  • Leverage project management skills in both your personal and professional endeavors. 
  • Believe in yourself, and push yourself to do everything at your best. “Even if you do not win, you can always learn”.


I hope my story serves as a testimony to the resilience, growth, humility, and gratitude inherent in the project management profession. Project Management can be a powerful tool to succeed without giving up on our dreams.


Tharim Sanchez

IT Project Manager

Informanix Technology Group





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